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Media Production Class

Level 1

Level 2/3

Media Production explores a variety of media techniques and production roles. Exploration of media involves reading, viewing media, writing, speaking, collaboration and hands-on work in creation of projects. Projects include Interviews, Stop Action animation, Do-It-Yourself, Lucky Day storyboarding and project building, and Public Service Announcements.

During this term you will build on skills you already have. Assignments will be given in class with supporting resources and activities detailed here in Moodle. As new media is always evolving, integration into the course will involve both levels 2 and 3. By the end of the first quarter, students in level 3 will be asked to submit for approval, a proposal for an independent project.


Linda Witfoth,

Media Specialist/Teacher

Great Work!

Morrill Hall UNL (click

here for more pictures)

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